Check Out Our

Mentoring Program

Mentoring applications for the 2023-2024 year are now closed. Please check back next fall if you would like to join the program!

About our mentoring program

PUGs runs a yearly mentoring program, pairing undergraduates and first year graduate students with more experienced mentors, usually graduate students or postdocs. Mentors and mentees meet one-on-one on a monthly basis (or more frequently if they wish!). 

The goal of the program is to foster a supportive community for undergraduate physicists of underrepresented genders. Having a mentor provides students with someone who has progressed a little farther through the system and can give valuable insight and support. Individual mentoring pairs are highly tailored to the goals of the student and what they are looking for in a mentor, including but not limited to research or academic advice.

Check out our Upcoming Events page for information about mentoring activities!

Why join PUGs Mentoring?

Positive effects on academic and social life
Mentoring has been shown to positively affect academic performance and social integration among college students.
Become friends with your mentor/Mentee
Mentoring groups often become friends, and mentees have found support on wide range of topics, ranging from academic to personal struggles.
Have questions? reach out to our

Mentoring Coordinator

Greeshma Shivali Oruganti

Mentoring Coordinator
